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How much is ITIL Certification Cost in 2024

Picture of Mangesh Shahi
Mangesh Shahi
Mangesh Shahi is an Agile, Scrum, ITSM, & Digital Marketing pro with 15 years' expertise. Driving efficient strategies at the intersection of technology and marketing.

Introduction to ITIL v4

The ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library) a de-facto framework provides a structured approach to IT service management (ITSM), ensuring that IT services align with the needs of the business. Developed by the UK’s Central Computer and Telecommunications Agency (CCTA) and most recently updated by AXELOS in 2019, ITIL v4 builds on the foundation of ITIL v3, introducing a holistic approach to service management. This framework supports businesses in delivering high-quality, value-driven IT services.

Understanding ITIL v4 Certification

The ITIL v4 certification path offers a modular approach, focusing on different aspects of ITIL best practices. The certification levels include:

  1. ITIL 4 Foundation
  2. ITIL 4 Managing Professional (MP)
  3. ITIL 4 Strategic Leader (SL)
  4. ITIL 4 Master

Each level is designed to provide progressively deeper insights and skills in IT service management.

ITIL 4 Foundation Certification Training

Cost Breakdown of ITIL v4 Certification

ITIL 4 Foundation Certification

Examination Cost: The cost of the ITIL 4 Foundation exam varies depending on the location and the exam provider. On average, participants can expect to pay anywhere between $350 and $500 depending upon the region from where they belong.

Training Cost: While not mandatory, ITIL v4 Foundation training is highly recommended to ensure success. Accredited training organizations (ATOs) such as Spoclearn offer various packages that may include study guides, mock exams, and case studies. ITIL v4 Foundation Training costs typically range from $900 to $1,500, depending on the provider and the training format (online, classroom, or self-paced).

ITIL 4 Managing Professional (MP) Certification

This certification is designed for IT practitioners who manage IT-enabled services. It includes four modules:

  1. Create, Deliver, and Support (CDS)
  2. Drive Stakeholder Value (DSV)
  3. High-Velocity IT (HVIT)
  4. Direct, Plan, and Improve (DPI)

Examination Cost: Each module’s exam costs between $400 and $600.

Training Cost: Training for each module ranges from $1,000 to $1,500. Comprehensive training packages covering all modules may offer discounts.

ITIL 4 Strategic Leader (SL) Certification

The SL certification includes two modules:

  1. Digital and IT Strategy (DITS)
  2. Direct, Plan, and Improve (DPI)

Examination Cost: The cost for each module’s exam is approximately $400 to $600.

Training Cost: Training costs for each module range from $1,200 to $1,800. Full course bundles may provide cost benefits.

ITIL 4 Master Certification

The ITIL Master certification validates the candidate’s ability to apply ITIL principles in real-world situations. The costs for this certification are not standardized as they depend on the specific project and resources required for the candidate’s assessment.

Additional Costs and Considerations

Study Materials: In addition to training and examination fees, candidates may need to purchase supplementary study materials, which can cost between $50 and $200.

Retake Fees: If a candidate does not pass an exam on the first attempt, retake fees apply. These fees are generally slightly lower than the original exam cost. You can contact PeopleCert ATOs such as Spoclearn, which will provide the best pricing for retake exams across all ITIL 4 Modules. 

Professional Membership: Membership in professional organizations, such as AXELOS’s ITIL community, can provide additional resources and networking opportunities, typically costing around $100 annually.

Why Invest in ITIL v4 Certification?

Investing in ITIL v4 certification can significantly enhance an individual’s career prospects and an organization’s service management capabilities. Certified professionals are equipped to improve IT service delivery, align IT services with business goals, and drive continual improvement within their organizations.

Career Advancement: ITIL certification is globally recognized and can open doors to advanced roles in IT service management, such as IT Service Manager, IT Operations Manager, and ITIL Process Owner. ITIL v4 Certified professionals are often preferred by employers and may command higher salaries.

Organizational Benefits: For organizations, ITIL-certified employees can lead to improved efficiency, reduced costs, and enhanced service quality. The ITIL framework provides a consistent approach to IT service management, helping organizations to meet business objectives and improve customer satisfaction.


The cost of ITIL v4 certification varies depending on the level and training options chosen. While the investment can be significant, be it either for an individual or for an organization, however, the benefits of enhanced career prospects and improved organizational performance make it a worthwhile endeavor. By understanding the costs and planning accordingly, candidates can effectively prepare for and succeed in their ITIL certification journey.

For more information and resources, explore accredited training providers and official ITIL documentation to ensure you are well-prepared for your certification exams. Spoclearn is an AXELOS/PeopleCert Accredited Training Provider (ATO) to deliver ITIL v4 certification training globally in various delivery formats including classroom, online, and on-site training.

FAQs on ITIL v4 Certification Cost

1. Why Should I Pursue ITIL 4 Certification?

 ITIL 4 certification is highly valued in the IT industry. It equips professionals with the latest IT service management practices, enhancing their ability to improve service delivery and align IT with business objectives. The certification is globally recognized and can lead to better job prospects, higher salaries, and increased career advancement opportunities.

ITIL 4 certification has several levels: Foundation, Managing Professional (MP), Strategic Leader (SL), and Master. Each level builds on the previous one, providing deeper insights and skills in IT service management. The Foundation level introduces basic concepts, while the MP and SL levels offer advanced knowledge and practical applications. The Master level demonstrates a comprehensive understanding of ITIL principles.

ITIL 4 Foundation training helps organizations optimize their IT resources, improving efficiency and effectiveness. By implementing ITIL practices, businesses can transform IT from a cost center to a strategic asset, enhancing service quality and customer satisfaction. ITIL also promotes continuous improvement, ensuring that IT services evolve with changing business needs.

Answer: Many leading companies, including Google, Disney, Equinor, Muller Dairy, Spotify, and more, seek ITIL 4 certified professionals. These organizations recognize the value of ITIL in enhancing service management and aligning IT with business goals. ITIL certification can increase your chances of being hired by top firms in various industries.

Answer: To become an ITIL 4 expert, start with the Foundation level to grasp basic concepts. Progress to Managing Professional and Strategic Leader levels for advanced knowledge. Gain practical experience and apply ITIL principles in real-world scenarios. Achieving ITIL Master certification demonstrates a thorough understanding and ability to apply ITIL in complex environments. Enroll in accredited training programs to guide your learning journey. Spoclearn is an Accredited Training Organization (ATO) of AXELOS/PeopleCert to deliver all ITIL 4 Modules globally. PeopleCert ID: 7822

Answer: The cost of ITIL 4 certification varies by level and provider. The Foundation exam costs around $350 to $300, with training courses ranging from $500 to $1,000. Managing Professional and Strategic Leader exams cost between $275 and $400 per module, with training fees from $1,000 to $1,800. Additional costs may include study materials and retake fees.

Answer: The ITIL 4 Foundation level has no prerequisites and is suitable for anyone interested in IT service management. For advanced levels, such as Managing Professional and Strategic Leader, candidates must complete the Foundation level and specific modules. Practical experience in IT service management is beneficial for higher-level certifications.

Answer: ITIL 4 certification focuses on IT service management, providing a comprehensive framework for aligning IT services with business needs. It complements other IT certifications, such as PMP, Scrum, and Agile, by offering specialized knowledge in service management. ITIL certification is particularly valuable for IT professionals involved in service delivery, operations, and continuous improvement.

Answer: Preparation for the ITIL 4 certification exam involves studying the official ITIL 4 guide, enrolling in accredited training courses, and practicing with sample exams. Utilize online resources, join study groups, and seek guidance from certified professionals. Hands-on experience in IT service management can also enhance your understanding and application of ITIL principles.

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